Managing Demands at the Website

To manage demands at the website, do the following:

2Go to the Geek on Demand tab or click Details near Geek on Demand under Services.

From your Kromtech account page, go to the Geek on Demand tab. From your Kromtech account page, go to the Geek on Demand tab.

3Click New Demand.

Click New Demand to create a demand. Click New Demand to create a demand.

4Enter a short but descriptive title in the Title field.

5Type your problem or question of interest in the Description field.

6If you did not provide your phone number during the registration, you should enter it in the Phone field.

7When you are ready, click Submit Demand.

Geek on Demand. Creating a Demand Geek on Demand. Creating a Demand

8The demand is added to the list of demands. Please note that Geek on Demand can process only one issue at a time.

Geek on Demand. List of Demands Geek on Demand. List of Demands