Securing Files with Data Encryptor

Watch tutorial on Data Encryptor

The Data Encryptor feature hides and encrypts personal files. With AES-128 or AES-256 encryption you can safely hide your files so that even the system will not see them.

1To start using Data Encryptor, create a password, enter it in the suggested field, and then click Setup. You will be using this password later every time you open the tool.

Create a password, enter it in the suggested field, and then click Setup Password. Create a password, enter it in the suggested field, and then click Setup Password.
Enter the password that you created for Data Encryptor. Enter the password that you created for Data Encryptor.

2Select a file, folder or several items that you want to encrypt. There are two ways to do it:

  • Click Add, select the items that you want to encrypt, select the encryption method, set up another password specifically for these items, and then click Encrypt.
Select the items that you want to encrypt, select the encryption method, set up another password specifically for these items, and then click Encrypt. Select the items that you want to encrypt, select the encryption method, set up another password specifically for these items, and then click Encrypt.
  • Drag the items that you want to encrypt to the work area of Data Encryptor, select the encryption method, set up another password specifically for these items, and then click OK.
Select the encryption method, set up another password specifically for these items, and then click OK. Select the encryption method, set up another password specifically for these items, and then click OK.

3The items appear in a list with an open lock icon to the right of the item names.

Data Encryptor. Open Lock Icon Data Encryptor. Open Lock Icon

4When your item is put to Data Encryptor, the original item is moved to the Trash. After you reveal this item in the Finder, you will see an arrow near its icon. It means that an alias has been created for this item. To view the original item, right-click the alias, and then choose Show Original.

To view the original item, right-click the alias, and then choose Show Original. To view the original item, right-click the alias, and then choose Show Original.

5Click either the open lock icon or the Hide button to encrypt the items. As a result, the icon instantly changes to a closed lock, and the alias file disappears from the Finder.

Data Encryptor. Closed Lock Icon Data Encryptor. Closed Lock Icon

6If you add several items, click Hide All to encrypt all of them at once.

Click Hide All to encrypt all items at once. Click Hide All to encrypt all items at once.

7To unencrypt the items, click either the closed lock icon or the Unhide button. After you do it, the icon will change from the closed lock back to the open lock, but you should enter the password to make the items visible again.


If you lose the password, it will be impossible to restore the encrypted items.

To unencrypt the items, click either the closed lock icon or the Unhide button. To unencrypt the items, click either the closed lock icon or the Unhide button.

8The items again appear in the Finder as aliases. To return the original item, select its name in Data Encryptor, and then click Remove.


This will not remove the item from your Mac – just from the list of Data Encryptor.

To return the original item, select its name in Data Encryptor, and then click Remove. To return the original item, select its name in Data Encryptor, and then click Remove.

If you cannot find the encrypted items, click Locate Lost Items. In the Finder window that opens, select the folder where you last saw your items, and then click Open. MacKeeper will scan this folder for encrypted items and inform you about the results.

If you cannot find the items you encrypted, click Locate lost items. If you cannot find the items you encrypted, click Locate lost items.

If nothing is found, an alert will appear.

Data Encryptor. No Encrypted Items Found Data Encryptor. No Encrypted Items Found

If the items are found, they are automatically added to the list of Data Encryptor.